Welcome to the FirstChurch Champaign Advent Conspiracy blog.
Each day, we'll add a daily devotion to help you think through the AC Themes: Worship Fully / Spend Less / Give More / Love All. On the right, you can listen to the AC Sermons from the Launch. Also check out the links to all kinds of Advent Resources.

Feel free to click on the "Comment" word at the bottom of each post to leave your own thoughts and ideas.

May Christ be the heart of your Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday's Devotion

Advent Conspiracy Daily Devotion
Love All #3, by Chuck Carlson

Advent is a call to place faith in love’s actions. Love enabled Joseph to stay attended to Mary through a mysterious pregnancy. Faith in God’s love allowed him to stay open to what God is doing even amid the questions and confusion of the moment.

Joseph learned that behind God’s love lie the promises of God. God tells him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. She is going to conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. The angel proclaims the promise, "She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)

Where are the places in your life that you need to trust God’s love? A marriage? A job? Finances? Family relationships? May this Christmas be a time when you "make an act of trust toward all of life, where fears preside and distrusts keeps watch…make an act of love toward
friend and foe, where trust is weak and hate burns bright." (Meditations of the Heart, Thurman, p. 152)

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